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Matt McCarthy's Podcast - Justifying My Movie Collection

Sep 27, 2020

ISSUE #95 - Justifying My Movie Collection. This is one of the worst movies ever made. Why does Matt own two copies of HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN then? LET'S FIND OUT!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon! 

Sep 14, 2020

ISSUE #94 - Justifying My Movie Collection. This tape has no label. What's on it? LET'S FIND OUT!

(SPOILER: It's 6 hours of MTV from April 3, 1991)

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon! 

Sep 7, 2020

ISSUE #93 - Justifying My Movie Collection. Matt loves laserdiscs! This week he watches one that's never been opened - LA FEMME NIKITA! WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? LET'S FIND OUT!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

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