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Matt McCarthy's Podcast - Justifying My Movie Collection

Aug 31, 2020

ISSUE #92 - Justifying My Movie Collection. Matt has no idea what is happening in this movie. Do you have any idea?? LET'S FIND OUT!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon! 

Aug 23, 2020

ISSUE #91 - Justifying My Movie Collection. Matt has a double disc of DVD-R's in a Blockbuster case he found at a Goodwill. Who is this Dr. Strangebrain?? LET'S FIND OUT!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon! 

Aug 17, 2020

ISSUE #90 - Justifying My Movie Collection. Matt got a box fo tapes from St. Louis. This one is labeled "My Tape" ...who are you? What's on YOUR tape? LET'S FIND OUT!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon! 

Aug 9, 2020

ISSUE #89 - Justifying My Movie Collection. On the 25th anniversary of Jerry's death Matt watches LONG STRANGE TRIP.

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon!

Aug 3, 2020

ISSUE #88 - Justifying My Movie Collection. Matt has a tape he recorded that's labeled "Superman - videos / High Fidelity" 

What the hell are Superman Videos??? Let's find out!!!

Thank you to everyone for sending me VHS tapes and now…YOU CAN TOO: Matt McCarthy PO Box 4854 Valley Village CA 91617

Donate to the Patreon!...